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Any type of cancer diagnosis can be life-altering, and knowing what treatment options are available to you goes a long way in helping your recovery journey go as ...


This summer is already gearing up to be one of the hottest in recorded history – are you prepared with the right sun protection for your skin? Staying ...


Visits from family or keeping your grandchildren over the summer often means more time outside and more time in the sun. While you’re outdoors making new memories with ...


As we age, our skin becomes more susceptible and vulnerable to damage from external factors like UV exposure, injuries, and developing skin disorders. Understanding the common skin conditions ...


If you’ve been diagnosed with skin cancer, it can be difficult to decide what to do next. At Keys Dermatology, our experienced team is here to help you ...


“I don’t need sunblock. I have a tan.”—If you have ever heard anything to this effect, then you have heard one of the greatest misconceptions about skin cancer. Many ...


Turning 65 is a milestone that’s worthy of celebration. It also comes with a few important considerations, some of which tie in with your health. By now, you ...


Winter skin care in warm climates is essential. Even though we do not deal with freezing temperatures and dry air, having an effective skincare routine should always be a ...


Kaposi sarcoma is a type of cancer. It appears most often as tumors on the skin or inside of the mouth or throat. They can also develop in the ...


Sclerotherapy is an effective treatment for spider and varicose veins. In fact, due to its efficacy, ease, and minimal risk, sclerotherapy is the most commonly used treatment for spider and varicose ...

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