Summer Skin Essentials: Best Types of Sun Protection for Your Skin
This summer is already gearing up to be one of the hottest in recorded history – are you prepared with the right sun protection for your skin?
Staying sun safe this summer means proactively protecting your skin from harmful UV rays that can cause discoloration, premature signs of aging, and even skin cancer. Thankfully, Keys Dermatology is here to help guide you through the best ways to keep your skin healthy and protected this summer while enjoying fun outdoors.
Best Types of Sun Protection for Sensitive Skin
Sensitive skin is more susceptible to sun damage, sunburns, and the potential consequences.
If you have sensitive skin, a sunblock or physical sunscreen may be best for you—these types of products work by reflecting UV rays rather than absorbing them.
Some sun products are specifically formulated for sensitive skin to help minimize potential reactions like itchiness or rashes while still offering adequate protection. When looking for a sunblock or sunscreen, be sure to look at the ingredient list. Physical sunblocks may use minerals like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to shield the skin.
Make sure to check that your chosen product doesn’t include any ingredients you are particularly sensitive to, such as parabens or sulfates.
Best Types of Sun Protection for Older Skin
Our skin becomes more sensitive to sun damage as we age. This means sun protection products that worked for you previously may not be as effective anymore. If you notice you need to reapply your sunscreen more often or it seems like it’s no longer working for you, it’s time to find a new product.
Additional sun protection methods that can help minimize your chances of UV damage and skin cancer include:
- Avoiding excessive UV exposure during peak hours
- Wearing protective clothing
- Staying under shade when outdoors
- Staying hydrated to support healthy skin
Best Types of Sun Protection for Darker Skin
While melanin does act as a natural protectant against UV damage, people of all skin tones and ethnicities need to practice good sun safety habits. The myth that having dark skin protects against skin cancer contributes to the higher mortality rate among black and Hispanic communities.
As a general rule of thumb, look for products with a minimum of SPF 30 and be sure to reapply regularly – at least every 2 hours. If you lead an active lifestyle or spend a lot of time in the water, consider looking for sunscreen or sunblock labeled as sweat or water-resistant to help boost longevity.
It’s also important for people of all ages and backgrounds to include an annual skin cancer screening and skin exam as part of their healthcare routine. With the trusted skin cancer experts at Keys Dermatology, you can rest assured that if anything is amiss, we can help identify the problem early and provide effective treatment options for your successful recovery.